Tell us why you support Kamala Harris

Record Your Message Below

Try to keep your video to a few minutes, look straight into the camera, and simply tell us why you support Kamala Harris for President:

  • Say your first name and where you live.

  • Tell us what it is you like about Kamala Harris and why you support her for President.

Here are some thought starters:

  • Talk about her career standing up for all Americans and fighting against corrupt corporations:

    • She successfully sued big banks, resulting in a $20 billion settlement for homeowners.

  • Talk about her career-long defense of affordable healthcare:

    • As Attorney General, she defended the ACA against legal challenges and sued pharmaceutical companies for fraudulent marketing practices.

    • As Senator, she worked to strengthen the ACA by expanding it.

    • As Vice-President she worked with President Biden to lower healthcare costs and negotiate with pharmaceutical companies on the costs of prescription drugs. During the Biden/Harris administration, we had the lowest number of uninsured people in our country’s history.

  • Talk about her defense of Reproductive Rights and Abortion Access.

  • Talk about her experience as a prosecutor, holding criminals accountable in comparison to Donald Trump who is himself a criminal.

Want more information about Vice President Harris check out our Substack on her.

A few tips:

Your story is actually better when NOT scripted. Simply look at the camera – and start talking politics!

If you make a mistake or stumble, that’s perfectly fine. We can edit those out. Rest assured, we will keep your story intact.

Have the light shining on your face, not behind you.